
Senin, September 18, 2006

Forum Smansa B Jin Dumai

Berita bagus neh buat temen2 smansa B JIn.
sekarang sudah ada forum buat kita2 yg msh sekolah ataupun yg sudah lulus, (alumni bangkotan termasuk jg he2)

silahkan klik link berikut Forum Smansa

Rabu, Juli 26, 2006

Fenomena Awan tegak lurus

Fenomena awan tegak lurus mulai dibahas pertamakali ketika terjadi gempa bumi yang mengguncang Kobe, Jepang.

Diperkirakan proses pergeseran lempeng bumi menghasilkan gelombang elektromanetis yang kemudian menghisap awan maka dari itu bentuknya aneh tegak lurus gitu.

Jika di Kobe awan ini muncul 8 hari sebelum gempa, di Niigata, Jepang awan ini malah muncul 4 jam sebelum terjadinya gempa. (gak pasti banget yah)

Informasi tadi beredar mulai beredar di internet melalui email setelah terjadinya gempa yang mengguncang di Jogjakarta yang memakan korban cukup besar. Dan menurut sumber tersebut muncul sesaat sebelum gempa pagi hari di Jogja.

Belum lama ini ketika gempa mengguncang kembali laut selatan jawa yang daerah terparahnya adalah pantai Pangandaran sekitar tgl 17 Juli 2006, beredar lagi foto2 diatas dengan tambahan kesaksian bahwa mereka melihat awan yang serupa diatas langit jakarta tepatnya disekitar daerah kuningan (HR Rasuna Said). Gw sendiri jg mendapatkan sms dari sepupu saya Raymond katanya suer dia melihat ada awan lurus dilangit. Tp sayang kesaksian mereka tdk ada gambar yang bisa menguatkan. terlepas dr benar atau tdknya memang ada gempa yang dirasakan di Jkt pada Rabu tgl 19 Juli 2006 di sore hari menjelang magrib.

Tp ada juga awan tegak lurus yang berhasil dijepret oleh teman sekantor gw, namun tdk terjadi apa2 diJkt malah gempanya di Jogja...

Emang sih diemail yang beredar pertamakali itu menyebutkan kalaupun ada awan tegaklurus dilangit bukan berarti akan ada gempa karena masih banyak indikator yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti peralatan elektronik apakah terganggu, hewan2 bertingkah aneh tdk seperti biasanya dll.

Pokoke org2 dr BMG aja udah memastikan bahwa tdk ada satu pun alat yg bisa meramal gempa dengan tepat.

Selasa, Juni 06, 2006

Mo Sehebat peserta Olimpiade matematika?


Di website diatas, disebutkan dengan Mathmagic, anak2 kita dan orang umum yg tadinya tidak menyukai matematika akan merasa takjub dengan kemampuan baru kita dalam berhitung matematika...

Klik pada banner diatas utk mengetahui lebih lanjut

Kamis, April 13, 2006


Bingung neh..
dr sekian banyak PTS & hyip yg pernah gw ikutin satu persatu tumbang..

duh kesell..

tp apa mo dikata.. lanjut terus
skrg lg nungguin dr ZI & SI
kyknya lg menunjukkan tanda2 mo tamat juga neh..

harapan satu2nya tinggal bermain di marketiva..
mayan deh.. modal dikit udah nyampe 26$ skrg..

Kamis, Maret 16, 2006

Sapa mo beli e-gold gw?

Gw mo jual e-gold gw neh
sejumlah 90$
harga nego

Jumat, Februari 24, 2006

Solidinvestments still pays

just receive payment per my request this afternoon from SI

First payment from MMS

just checked my e-gold this morning...
There is payment received from MMS

Hope there will be the 2nd and others...

Rabu, Februari 22, 2006

Receive payment again from ZI

you are amazing...
another payment from you this morning is just make up my day.

long live ZI

Senin, Februari 20, 2006

Dumai My hometown

above is a satellite photo of my lovely hometown. where i was raised and grown up till Senior high school. there are my parents, sister & brothers living right now.
once a year I go 'mudik' to celebrate Ied Fitri.

Jumat, Februari 17, 2006

Still received payment from SI

Love this afternoon, I still receive $$ from SI

Long live SI!

Rabu, Februari 08, 2006

an Open Question to Stormpay

An open question on behalf of all Stormpay members to John R. McConnel Jr. CEO of

Where is our money John?

First you suspend the accounts of a number of reputable autosurf sites with no warning, no valid explanation, and completely deny those customers any access to their accounts. Then you send an email to all Stormpay members telling them lies about why you have done this. Then you randomly begin refunding money from those suspended accounts, even though the members concerned did not ask to be refunded. Then your debit cards were being refused at ATMs around the world, and your withdrawal cheques started bouncing. Then you removed the option for international members to request their funds by wire transfer. And today you have begun systematically emptying the accounts of all Stormpay members, not just the Autosurf webmasters.

Where is the money, John??

(source dadndaves)

Again from Zoominvest

Another payment receive in my e-gold from Zoominvest

Senin, Februari 06, 2006

Is it closed already?


Got good news by receiving pending payment. but i also god the bad news.
12DP will refund members money.

Do you wanna close your site already? Charis....

Guys I want to know your opinion about up coming brand new program from Charis?

Go Charis...

I am waiting...

Paid out from ZI & 12DP

Just opened my computer and email.
It's a happy monday morning..

Got payment in my EMO from 12DP
and another $$ in my Egold from Zoominvest


Jumat, Februari 03, 2006

Can you believe this?

12DP is having problem with Stormpay.

They enabled EMO upgrade option back.
SP is not an option right now.

SP, what is wrong with you?

Kamis, Februari 02, 2006

Something wrong with Stormpay

Just knew that stormpay gots lawsuit againts them.

read this

If you want to share some info about storm pay..
Share your info and experiences here..


For you guys having problem with SP, I wish u gudlak with your efforts.


Just joined Tingerinvest

since there is problem with 12DP about payment processor changing. (12DP only accept Stormpay right now) I need to find more & more investment program to diversify my portfolio in order to reduce risks.


following is a brief description about tingerinvest
1. invest your money in Forex trading
2. give you return 200% only in 25 days.
3. only accept e-gold

yes, I got 3 times payment from Solidinvestment per my request..
So far it is still good to be one of your choice.

Join me so..

Rabu, Februari 01, 2006

12 DP has no longer accept EMO

Bad news....
just received email from 12 DP telling that it won't received upgrade from EMO...

I wonder how I could create a stormpay account..

Senin, Januari 30, 2006

no more new members

It was official since jan 26, 2006 Dadndaves is closed to new members..

Hope it grows steadily.

Rabu, Januari 25, 2006

Going Private

Dadndaves one of stable autosurf program is gonna be private program.
For you guys who haven't got an account yet.
join right here now... :)

Fast Market followed The Scammers

Hard to say but it is the fact..
loss some money (big one for me) in Fast Market...

but don't take it so long...
find another reliable program..real paying one

Sabtu, Januari 21, 2006