
Jumat, Agustus 24, 2007

Hebat - Bocah 9 Tahun Kuliah di Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)

Kaget juga baca berita di, ada aja anak indonesia yg bisa kyk gini ya.

Bocah WNI Umur 9 Tahun Raih Bangku Universitas di Hong Kong
Arfi Bambani Amri - detikcom

Hong Kong - Satu lagi prestasi diukir anak bangsa Indonesia. Seorang bocah WNI berumur 9 tahun berhasil melalui tes akademik setara umur 18 tahun. Hasilnya cukup untuk berkuliah di Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Wow!

Seperti dikutip dari kantor berita AFP, Jumat (24/8/2007), bocah bernama March Boedihardjo itu berhasil mendapatkan dua nilai A dan satu nilai B di ujian yang biasa dilakukan untuk usia 18 tahun.

Ujian itu diambil March setelah mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi secara akademik dengan rekan-rekan sebayanya.

"Kebanyakan waktu, saya suka membaca buku. Namun di akhir pekan, saya senang bermain dengan teman-teman. Kami dapat bermain bersama namun secara akademik, kami tak bisa berkomunikasi," kata March yang bisa berbahasa Kanton dan Inggris itu.

Namun upaya March untuk langsung berkuliah sebelumnya telah ditolak beberapa universitas lain. Baru Kamis lalu itulah HKBU yang menyediakan tempat untuknya. Mengapa tidak berkuliah ke Inggris saja?

"Karena ayah saya tidak memiliki cukup uang," kata March.

HKBU telah mengatur kuliah khusus selama 5 tahun untuk March, yang akan berlanjut ke S2. Ayah March, Tony Boedihardjo, bilang universitas itu telah meyakinkannya bahwa kebutuhan March bisa terpenuhi.

"Saya diyakinkan bahwa HKBU memiliki reputasi akademik yang luar biasa, yang akan menolong March mengembangkan bakatnya secara sempurna," kata Tony.

Gratis - Operasi Katarak

Mohon disebarluaskan !

RS Fakultas Kedokteran UKI Cawang bekerja sama dengan CBM, NGO dari Jerman, mengadakan pelayanan Operasi Katarak untuk orang yang kurang mampu. Bagi yang memerlukan pelayanan tersebut, keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi : dr. Herny P., SpM dan dr. Elisabeth di no telp. (021) 8092317 ext. 313 dan 80870762 (PoliMata RSU FK UKI).Mohon pesan ini dapat disebarkan ke contact Anda, agar orang-orang yang kurang mampu dapat terbantu.Jika bukan Anda yang memerlukan, Anda tidak keberatan membagi informasi kan?

diposting oleh Jhoni Tuerah di milis FEUI95

Kamis, Agustus 09, 2007

Pesta Pilkada

Senangnya kemaren bisa libur dan mendapatkan hak memilih gubernur pilihan sendiri...

Selamat ya utk bang Foke CS.
walaupun masih quick count.
bisa jadi itu kenyataan kan..

Pesen buat yg bakal menang neh..
mudah2an semua janji dipenuhi ye...

klu belum ada janji.. aku minta benahin trotoar disetiap jalan di setiap pelosok jakarta ya..
tolong dibuatin trotoar utk jalan2 yg belum ada.. kesel soalnya setiap jalan kaki tp harus ekstra hati2 karena ga punya jalan sendiri buat pejalan kaki.. klu pun ada sudah dikuasai oleh pedagang kaki lima...
Bang foke ingat tuh.. nyawa pejalan kaki tetep berharga lo..

trs pengurusan KTP dan SIM dipermudah dong. dijauhi dari calo baik eksternal maupun internal..
duh ga kuat deh punglinya di jkt ini..

Pesen buat yg bakal kalah,,
mudah2an dapat menerima dengan lapang dada ya..
dicoba lagi aja periode depan..
atau klu ga ikut pilpres aja langsung..

toh udah ketauan pendukungnya banyak ini..

Selasa, Agustus 07, 2007

MIT Open Course Ware

you know that now we could have MIT Course Material for free...

Welcome to MIT's OpenCourseWare:

a free and open educational resource (OER) for educators, students, and self-learners around the world.

Is a publication of MIT course materials
Does not require any registration
Is not a degree-granting or certificate-granting activity
Does not provide access to MIT faculty

Read what Pak Triatno Yudo Harjoko says about this site
“I was surprised and amazed that such a renowned university as MIT would freely give access to almost all of its educational information to the world,” continues Harjoko. “This is important, because critical thinking and creativity demand the liberalization of learning and information. But I also believe that it’s not simply the information that’s valuable, but also the glimpse it offers into how MIT has structured its teaching and research to become such a prestigious institution.”
“An intellectual gem”

Senin, Agustus 06, 2007

WIKIVERSITY where you can learn anything for free

Just know this site from

for you guys who need to know everything about your subject in school just clik WIKIVERSITY

Wikiversity is a community for the creation and use of free learning materials and activities. Wikiversity is a multidimensional social organization dedicated to learning, teaching, research and service. Its primary goals are to:
Create and host free content, multimedia learning materials, resources, and curricula for all age groups in all languages
Develop collaborative learning projects and communities around these materials

Learners and teachers are invited to join the Wikiversity community as editors of this wiki website where everyone can edit the pages. The community portal lists information about many aspects of Wikiversity.

The Orginial Of Indonesia Raya ??

this is one of the biggest issues nowadays beside the election of Jakarta's Governor.
Roy Suryo Cs, claimed that he with his Air Putih team have found the 3 stanza of original of the National anthem Indonesia Raya from Netherland server.

It's real wierd.because it's been in you tube since December 2006

but do you believe it's the real original Indonesia Raya?

I doubt it. like some says it is impossible to include word "indonesia Merdeka" at that time. 

Kamis, Agustus 02, 2007

Better dads, better lads

Better dads, better lads

Article from: Herald Sun

Dina Rosendorff

July 17, 2007 12:00am


BOYS would behave better if fathers played a more active role in their sons' lives, a Melbourne expert has found.


Adolescent education expert Bill Jennings said the growing epidemic of "fatherlessness" – where dads were increasingly absent either physically or emotionally – had led to negative patterns in young men, such as suicide, violence and drug abuse.


Mr Jennings studied 434 male students across two Victorian schools in year 10 and again in year 11.


His interim findings showed boys' self-confidence was raised when their dads showed interest and were involved in their lives.


With self-confidence came long-term success, Mr Jennings said.


"Boys are more likely to prosper if they have a male role model in their corner, and ideally that's their dad," Mr Jennings said.


"Where a father is unable to take part for whatever reason, an appropriate male role model such as an uncle or even an older brother could step in."


Fathers had increasingly been absent in their children's lives because of divorce, long working hours or communication breakdown, he said.


Mr Jennings runs programs across Australia teaching boys and their fathers how to successfully navigate the rites of passage to becoming a man.


Former football player and coach Stan Alves, whose teenage son Matthew was killed when hit by a train in July 1989, often participates in the program and shares his personal experiences with the group.


Watsonia father Rick Chapman, who completed Mr Jennings' program with his sons Ross, 19, and Dean, 16, when they were each in year 10 at Parade College, said he made it a priority to be an involved dad.


Mr Chapman said he refereed football matches, watched concerts and ferried his sons to and from training and matches.


It was also important for Mr Chapman and his wife, Lynne, to go on a family holiday together every year.


"Getting away together gives us time to relax and spend quality time with one another," Mr Chapman said.


"You'll always be their old man but it's good to also try and be their mate."




 (diposting oleh Jhoni Tuerah di milis FEUI'95)




Al Aqsa Mosque

In, there is a video that shows what does al aqsa look like.
do not confuse between al aqsa mosque & the dome of the rock. most of us might think the dome of the rock is the al aqsa mosque. it's wrong.

let's have a look here

Rabu, Agustus 01, 2007

Sunat pada Wanita

Minggu kemaren ketika mengunjungi ananda Aqila Anindita Pardiyono dikediamannya Jl Mardani Raya gang R no 56 :)

Kedua ortunya nanya neh ke gw mengenai kegundahan mereka apakah wajib disunat si ananda Aqila... scara neneknya minta cucu kesayangan tsb disunat sementara pendapat si Ibunda katanya ga perlu karena bukan ajaran agama or plg gak ga wajib...

Yah kebetulan gw pernah baca artikel mengenai hal2 tsb dari islamonline gw sampein aja bahwa di mesir udah dilarang.

teman2 yg lain jg bisa baca ini gw copy paste disini yah

29/06/2007 07:00:00 PM GMT
(Egypt Today) Egypt's Grand Mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa

"The harmful tradition of circumcision that is practiced in Egypt in our era is forbidden, Egypt's Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa said.

CAIRO — The Egyptian government outlawed on Thursday, June 28, all female circumcision, a few days after the widely-spread practice of removing the clitoris claimed the life of a 12-year-old girl.

"Female circumcision is banned by law and by all medical regulations," the Health Minister Hatem al-Gabali said in a statement cited by Reuters.

He asserted that "every doctor and member of the medical profession, in public or private establishments, is banned from performing the procedure."

Outlawing the practice entirely, the authorities closed a 10-year legal loophole allowing girls to undergo the procedure "in situations of illness" should doctors so advise.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), often referred to as female circumcision, has been banned in Egypt since 1996, although it remains widespread.

This came a few days after Budour Ahmed Shaker, an 12-year-old girl, died while undergoing the procedure at a private clinic in the southern governorate of Minya.

Her mother accused the woman doctor of negligence, arguing her daughter's death was linked to the anaesthetic and not the procedure itself, for which she had paid 50 pounds (nearly nine dollars).

A 2005 UNICEF report found 97 percent of Egyptian women between ages 15 and 49 had been circumcised.

Most circumcisions in Egypt are performed by barbers or midwives.
Awareness Campaign

The Islamic Research Academy of Al-Azhar, the highest seat of religious learning in the Sunni world, called Thursday for an awareness campaign in the media against the un-Islamic practice.

Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa stressed earlier this week that Islam prohibits the circumcision of girls.

"The harmful tradition of circumcision that is practiced in Egypt in our era is forbidden."

Muslim scholars for decades have emphasized that there is nothing either in the Qur'an or the Sunnah, to suggest that FGM is a prescribed ritual of initiation for women in Islam.

They assert that it was not stated anywhere that Prophet Mohammed (peace and blessings be upon him) has ordered any woman to undergo this practice.

Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Mohammad Sayyed Tantawi and Pope Shenouda, the spiritual leader of Egypt's Christians, have said that neither the Qur'an nor the Bible mention female circumcision.

With age-old cultural roots, FGM is common in Egypt and is practiced by both Muslims and Christians.

In many Islamic countries, across the Middle East, North Africa and Southeast Asia, FGM is nearly nonexistent.
Source: IslamOnline

Mulai kerja lagi setelah cuti panjang

Hari ini hari pertama masuk kerja..
udah ngeblog lagi..

agak2 magabut sih.. tp teman2 jgn marah ya..

Indonesian Idol has it's new idol...
it's Rini..
She deserves it.
But Wilson is actually good too..

Aku buat polling baru lagi ya..

Kali ini pilihan gubernur Jakarta.. mengingat tgl 8 Agustus nanti akan ada PILKADA DKI..
Nyatakan pilihan kalian semua apakah adang or Foke..